As of November 2013, Covered California had signed up nearly 80,000 people in private health plans, and 135,000 people have signed up for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid. In California, about 2,700 people are signing up for ACA insurance coverage daily, while fewer than 3,000 Texans chose a health plan through the exchange in the entire…

It is important to create a safe sleep environment for your baby. Because babies spend much of their time sleeping, the nursery should be the safest room in the house. Rules for Safe Sleep With any crib, bassinet or play yard, the following simple rules keep babies sleeping safely: Bare is best – to prevent suffocation, never…

If your disability claim is denied, under ERISA, you have the right to file an appeal and, after exhausting all appeals, file suit in federal court against the insurance company. It sounds simple enough, but to overturn a denial of disability benefits in court, an insurance company only has to show minimal evidence to support…

AARP Oregon hosted a Scam Jam October 22, 2013 at the Oregon Convention Center, to help all age groups learn when to hang up the phone or shut the door on con artists. Scam Jam is an educational and entertaining program where you can learn about today’s scams and schemes, such as Medicare fraud, insurance and investment…

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, state and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and telecommunications. How Does the ADA Define Disability The ADA applies to persons who either actually have, or are thought to have, a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits what…

A thief may use your name or health insurance numbers to see a doctor or get prescription drugs or other health care. If the thief’s health information is mixed with yours, your treatment, insurance and payment records, and credit report may be effected. Read your medical statements, health insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements, and/or…

Saying “no” to folks who need help is very hard. But, of course, there is a limit to the number of cases any law office can take at one time. Rizk Law Office supports and encourages others to support St. Andrews’ Legal Clinic. St. Andrews helps many people needing legal help but without the resources…

“Stomp Out Bullying” is a national organization which began its campaign to increase awareness of bullying in October of 2007. Years ago, bullying was considered a rite of passage, and kids were told “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” and to “toughen up and punch ‘the bully’ in…

For years few ventured to Portland’s South Waterfront. The Willamette River cuts off east access while I-5 isolates the neighborhood from the west. Happily, Portland’s South Waterfront neighborhood will soon link to the Corbett-Lair Hill neighborhood via a 700 foot long pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge spanning I-5 at SW Gibbs Street ( from to S.W….

After nearly a decade of proposals and delays, in October 2017 the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a final rule prohibiting the manufacture, distribution, and sale of toys and child care products containing five phthalate chemicals known to cause neurodevelopmental and reproductive disorders in children. Phthalates are chemicals used to soften or plasticize vinyl….