Why should, Rizk Law – or any law firm for that matter-concern itself with community in a website? Because, “We the people…” created law in the first place! Community gives law legitimacy. Societies that lose respect for law, inevitably crumble. And, lawyers who lose touch with the needs of their respective communities eventually fail too.

Not only is caring for community good business, its’ very rewarding and just plain fun! Start a chain reaction! Be the change you want to see. Do it with passion. Then watch the magic. To read about Richard Rizk’s philosophy of caring in the context of long term disability claims, go to: https://www.osbar.org/index.html.

men in suits looking at paperwork

Richard, Alex, and Sam attend ATAA in Nashville.

Cascade Ski Club

community outreach ski club

Embezzled from, sued by its neighbors and heavily mortgaged, Cascade Ski Club was in serious trouble in 2005 when then new club member Richard Rizk took over the helm.

For more on how Mr. Rizk revived the club go to: www.osbar.org

Special Olympics

Richard Rizk believes in the power of respect! Special Olympics shows folks with developmental disabilities that each human life precious and deserving. Special Olympic athletes teach the rest of us, how joyful life can be and how much we take for granted.

Richard Rizk began coaching Special Olympics (softball) in the 1980s and serves as an assistant coach (alpine skiing) for Oregon Special Olympics-Multnomah County. Mr. Rizk is uncle to Special Olympics future athlete, Sam Rizk. For more about Oregon Special Olympics go to: https://soor.org/

Easter Seals

Easter Seals helps those who need help most. Richard Rizk serves as an Advisor to The Oregon Money Management Program which Easter Seals operates in conjunction with the Oregon Department of Health and Human Services  (DHS).

Why? Because money is not enough! Many aging Oregonians also require assistance organizing and managing financial affairs, which is key to independence.

SKI to Defeat ALS

Ski legend and ALS spokesperson Fred Noble inspired Richard Rizk to form a Rizk Law team to participate in Ski to Defeat ALS in 2013.

Please contact Richard at rich@rizklaw.com if you would like a spot on the Rizk Law ALS SKI team in 2015!

Life’s Work

Community involvement is a way of life Mr. Rizk did not initially choose. It chose him. Mr. Rizk owes his success to those who sacrificed for him early on.

“Thanks Mom!” —Richard Rizk