Alex Pletch knew at an early age that he had a knack for arguing. Coming from a politically-charged family, debates were common around the dinner table. He is the first to attend law school among a hard-working family of many professions. During his undergraduate education, he took an interest in sociology and criminal justice. At first, he was inclined to focus on criminal law before attending Lewis & Clark. As he advanced through law school he grew more interested in tort law and helping those who are less legally savvy get what they deserve from the justice system.

Rizk Law isn’t Alex’s first experience working for a law firm. When he lived in the Seattle area during his undergrad years, Alex worked for Robert D. Butler where he assisted primarily in the firm’s employment, discrimination, and harassment cases. Today, Alex has recently wrapped up his final year at Lewis & Clark. He found out about Rizk Law through a law school classmate who attended a legal networking event. Richard happened to be there, in need of an assistant.