Every year, about 25,000 people are arrested for drunk or drugged driving, the Oregon Department of Transportation says. Each year, 40% of all traffic deaths are a direct result of driving under the influence of alcohol or some other intoxicating substance. Oregon uses the term “DUII” (driving under the influence of intoxicants) to sum up…

A recent federal study found that car accidents cost the U.S. $340 billion a year, including medical expenses, legal costs, lost productivity, and the cost of emergency services, insurance administration, property damage, and workplace losses. This is equivalent to $1,035 for each of the 328 million people living in the United States. If you have…

Every time you step into your vehicle and hit the road, you place an immense amount of trust in a set of rubber and steel: your tires. Those four simple yet crucial pieces of rubber are the only things connecting your car to the ground beneath you. Your safety on the road depends on the…

As a teenager, getting behind the wheel is one of the most anticipated milestones of your life. However, with great freedom comes great responsibility, especially for teen drivers in Oregon. The Pacific Northwest offers breathtaking landscapes, but it also demands heightened awareness and adherence to specific laws and regulations to ensure your safety and that…

Picture this: you’re driving down the scenic roads of Oregon, enjoying the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Suddenly, without warning, another vehicle collides with yours and then vanishes into thin air. The shock and confusion are overwhelming, leaving you with a damaged vehicle, painful injuries, and countless unanswered questions. In the aftermath of a hit-and-run…

The screeching of brakes, the sickening crunch of metal against metal, and the sudden jolt forward—a rear-end accident can be a terrifying and life-altering experience. For those who have been through one, the questions that follow are often as numerous as they are perplexing: Who is at fault? How will I recover my damages? What…

No parent wants to receive a phone call informing them their teenage child has been involved in a car accident. The mix of emotions that rush over you—fear, concern, and perhaps even guilt—can be overwhelming. While the immediate priority is the well-being of your child, it is essential to recognize there are legal responsibilities that…

The advent of ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft has transformed the way Oregonians move about our cities. With a simple tap on a smartphone, we summon a ride that appears within minutes, whisking us away to our destinations. This convenience has undoubtedly made our lives easier, but it has also introduced a new layer…

Every day, countless children across Oregon board school buses, eager to embark on their educational journey. These bright yellow vehicles are synonymous with safety and reliability, promising parents and guardians that their precious cargo will reach school and return home without incident. However, this, unfortunately, is not always the case, and school bus accidents still…

Receiving a call informing you that your child has been involved in a school bus accident is terrifying. The aftermath of these types of incidents can leave parents in a state of shock, and most are unsure of what their next steps should be. In the wake of a school bus accident, your actions can…