What to Know if You Were Injured in an Oregon Boating Accident

Posted on behalf of RizkLaw on Jun 15, 2023 in Personal Injury

As the temperature rises and the sun shines a little brighter, many Oregon residents spend time with friends and family on the water. Whether you’re fishing or going for a swim, boating is a fun way to get outside and see Oregon’s beautiful scenery. However, just like with other outdoor activities, there is the potential risk of getting injured. 

While some injuries may come from our own mistakes, others may result from someone else’s carelessness. In 2022, there were 16 recreational boating fatalities in Oregon, and while that’s two less than the previous year, the number is still high. If you suffer severe injuries from someone else’s negligence, speak with a lawyer about how you can hold them accountable.

Who Is Responsible for Your Injuries in a Boating Accident?

When pursuing a boating injury claim, you’ll need to identify who is responsible for the accident and how their actions resulted in your injury. In most cases, the boat’s operator is responsible for accident injuries. Whether they’re driving the boat you’re occupying or another boat that crashes into you, the captain owed you a duty of care and failed to prevent an accident due to their negligence. Other individuals who also hold some responsibility include manufacturers, designers, and distributors.

Once you’ve identified the responsible party or parties, you must gather evidence of their negligent behavior, how their negligence caused the accident, and how their actions resulted in your injuries. The following are a few common causes of boating accidents in Oregon that you may use in your injury claim:

  • Reckless operation: In Oregon, a person 16 or older must have a boater education card to operate a personal watercraft (PWC). If they do not have a license or were operating the boat heedlessly, you have the right to hold them responsible for their recklessness.
  • Reckless speeding: If a person operates a boat at great speed, they risk losing control of the vehicle and being unable to prevent an accident. For example, if they were recklessly speeding and could not stop the boat from colliding with a large underwater rock, they may cause life-threatening injuries.
  • Under the influence: One of the leading causes of boating accidents includes boating under the influence of alcohol and drugs. When someone causes an accident due to intoxication, you may also seek criminal charges for their negligent actions. 

Gathering evidence for boating accidents is challenging and requires thorough knowledge of the type of necessary documentation for an injury claim. If you are unsure where you stand in the process or your best course of action, speak with a lawyer as soon as possible.

Types of Recover Compensation After a Boating Accident in Oregon

The severity of your damages depends on several factors within the accident, including the location and type of the accident, as well as the area of your injuries. For example, a brain injury may result in debilitating, long-term harm, whereas a leg injury may result in a sprain or broken bone. Below are a few damages you may be able to recover in an accident claim:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Treatment and rehabilitation costs
  • Prescription medication fees
  • Surgical expenses
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Physical disfigurement and impairment
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages or income
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death damages

While Oregon residents have two years from the accident to pursue legal action against the negligent party, a significant amount of clear evidence comes right after the accident. As soon as you are able, contact an experienced Rizk Law lawyer. 

Speak With a Compassionate Rizk Law Boating Accident Lawyer

Boating accidents are often more dangerous than car accidents due to the added danger of being on the water. A boating accident may result in life-threatening harm, and you deserve to hold the responsible party accountable. Attorney Richard Rizk devotes his time and resources to protecting and advocating for those within his community. He continues to work hard with local government agencies and individuals to implement safety measures throughout Oregon. 

Rizk Law has recovered millions in compensation for clients and can offer you many positive references and past results to show you our experience and knowledge. Speak with a team member about how we may be able to help you by calling (503) 245-5677 or completing our contact form today.