lawyer sitting with legal papers

1. What is the extent of your knowledge of how insurance companies work?

Most personal injury claims involve making a claim against an insurance company, so understanding how insurers work is critical to a successful outcome. I am one of the few Oregon lawyers who BOTH defended personal injury claims AND authorized payment for personal injury claims. Let my understanding of the other side work for you!

2. Is your practice limited to personal injury?

Rizk Law limits its practice to personal injury and civil rights cases.

Other personal injury firms also take criminal law and workers comp cases to supplement personal injury.

Workers’ compensation and criminal law are worlds unto themselves – it is very difficult to be well-versed in more than one major practice area.

3. How long have you been an insurance professional?

Richard Rizk has worked in the injury, disability and insurance realm consistently since 1987.

4. Did you switch to claims from another legal specialty?

In his legal professional career, Richard Rizk has only worked in matters concerning injury, disability or insurance. Other personal injury lawyers migrated to personal injury after a prior career in criminal law.

5. What is your experience interpreting insurance policy coverages?

Surprisingly few personal injury lawyers know how to effectively read and interpret insurance policies in light of the claim presented. Richard Rizk assessed coverage in the context of high exposure environmental claims over the course of four years for Nationwide Insurance.

6. Who else is qualified to help me at your firm?

Nowadays its very difficult to run a one-man law office, get good results and provide high quality customer care. Rizk Law employs three full-time lawyers (four this summer) a litigation paralegal, two legal assistants, two project assistants and a two law clerks. Our proximity to Lewis and Clark Law School allows us to recruit top law students.

7. What are the upfront costs in hiring your firm?

Hiring Rizk Law does not require any upfront costs.

Author: Rizk Law

Were you injured in an accident that was not your fault? Are your bills piling up while your pain and suffering seem to never end? Is an insurance carrier standing in your way of the money you need to get your life back on track? Then you need a lawyer who knows how insurance carriers think — and can fight them for the maximum compensation you deserve. You need Rizk Law.