After waiting for the snow to melt and the sun to reappear, the summer season is finally here, and many Oregon residents are preparing for their long-awaited vacation. Whether you’re traveling east or south, you’ll need to prepare for the events ahead. One of the most important aspects to consider, and also one of the most forgotten, is preparing your vehicle for a safe trip.

When you invest time, money, and energy into your trip, having your vehicle break down can significantly dent your itinerary. Not only is a stranded car upsetting and stressful, but also dangerous. Below are some ways to prepare and prevent an accident while on your summer road trip.

6 Ways to Prepare Your Car for a Summer Road Trip

Your car is packed and ready to head toward your destination with your family or friends. Halfway through the drive, your vehicle breaks down on the side of the road, and you’re stranded in the middle of nowhere. Having to wait for a tow truck messes up your plans and keeps you in a potentially dangerous situation.

To prevent this scenario, consider the following ways to prepare your vehicle for a safe summer road trip:

Check Your Vehicle’s Battery

A common cause of vehicle breakdowns is a faulty battery. The weather and other factors often cause a battery to wear down and even malfunction. Regardless of whether the battery’s manufacturing caused the failure or another factor, checking your battery before your trip may prevent you from suffering damages.

Examine Hoses and Belts

A vehicle’s engine hoses and belts are essential when keeping your vehicle’s power steering, cooling systems, and electrical working. Examining their condition and ensuring they are not cracked, frayed, leaking, or loose can save you and your passengers from a great deal of pain.

Replace Filters and Inspect Fluids

Before you make your way out onto the road, check on your filters and fluids like power steering, transmission fluid, and engine oil. If your vehicle is close to needing an oil change, it’s best to check that off your list before you take your trip.

Survey Your Lights

Broken tail lights, headlights, or interior lights may cause dangerous situations. Suppose the sun starts to set, and you go to turn on your headlights and realize they’re broken. You may be forced to stop driving and put your trip on hold until they’re fixed.

Test Your Brakes

A squeaking from your vehicle can indicate worn breaks, and you may need to replace them before taking your trip. It can be challenging to make time for car repairs or maintenance, especially when you’re about to take a road trip. However, waiting can place you and your passengers’ lives at risk.

Inspect Tires

Your tires are the foundation of your vehicle. If you know you’re about to be taking a long road trip, check the condition of your tires and make sure they are fully inflated. A flat tire can leave you stranded or cause a severe accident.

Even if you believe your vehicle is safe and performing well, it’s better to be safe than to deal with the consequences on your trip. Make sure to prepare your car to lessen the likelihood of accidents.

Speak With an Award-Winning Oregon Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

You’ve checked your vehicle for any issues, performed the necessary maintenance, and are finally on the road. As you make your way to or from your destination, another vehicle crashes into your car and causes a severe accident. Nothing is more frustrating than someone else’s carelessness stopping your journey.

Our Rizk Law lawyers understand your challenges and will guide you through a smooth accident claim, so you may recover compensation for your loss of enjoyment, medical expenses, and property damages you suffer. We are prepared to do what it takes to get you back to enjoying your time with friends and family. Schedule a free consultation with Attorney Richard Rizk by calling (503) 245-5677 or filling out our contact form today.

Author: Rizk Law

Were you injured in an accident that was not your fault? Are your bills piling up while your pain and suffering seem to never end? Is an insurance carrier standing in your way of the money you need to get your life back on track? Then you need a lawyer who knows how insurance carriers think — and can fight them for the maximum compensation you deserve. You need Rizk Law.