Rizk Law recommends 10% happier podcast and mindfulness courses hosted by Dan Harris, a former ABC anchor. Dan’s backstory gives him authentic street cred. Google “Dan Harris on-air meltdown.”
So many great people have suffered during the last few years, and quite frankly, the world does not have enough mental health care workers to handle the current demand. Many people are fearful of driving to a therapist, while others are too shy or embarrassed to talk about fears to a stranger. If you feel stuck and need un-sticking, consider subscribing to “10% Happier.”
Rizk Law is not affiliated with 10% nor have we received anything for promoting it. We just think it is excellent, helpful, and easy to use.
The 10% suite is affordable, accessible, and full of exercises and tips from mediation experts who can ease your pain. Of course, no app or podcast is a substitute for in-person care and evaluation by a professional psychologist or psychiatrist. Rizk Law strongly encourages professional in-person psychiatric help whenever prescribed and possible to access. If you think you need such care, talk to your primary care medical provider as soon as possible to request an appropriate referral.
Most importantly, DO NOT GIVE UP! You are not alone. Nearly everyone has suffered from the pandemic and social upheaval of recent years.
Be proud. Keep your head up and consider “10% Happier” as a resource. It has helped me get through this mess. I think it might help you too.