Because motorcycles do not have the same safety devices that keep car occupants safe, such as seat belts, airbags, and a durable exterior shell, motorcyclists tend to suffer more severe injuries in crashes than other motorists. Motorcycle accident injuries often require multiple surgeries, extensive rehabilitation, or even long-term care.

If you or someone you care about rides a motorcycle in Portland or throughout Oregon, PIP (personal injury protection) insurance coverage is essential. Attorney Richard Rizk is a former insurance insider who now represents people like you, so he knows how the insurance racket works and how to make it work for you.

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage in Oregon

PIP is a provision in your auto insurance policy that covers medical expenses and wages lost in the event of an accident. Oregon state law demands that all motorists carry PIP insurance, but motorcyclists are excluded from this requirement.

Even though motorcycle drivers are more likely to suffer severe or fatal injuries in an accident, many motorcyclists opt to forgo PIP coverage since they are not legally obligated to carry it. However, this coverage is essential, and many motorcyclists do not even know what it is or how it protects them.

PIP insurance is necessary if you drive a motorcycle in Oregon because:

  • The extensive and severe injuries motorcyclists often suffer in accidents typically come with lengthy recovery times, permanent disabilities, or lead to fatality.
  • The motorcycle accident injury recovery process often means missing a significant amount of work, if the motorcyclist is even able to return to work at all.
  • Many motorcyclists who do not carry PIP coverage end up having to file for bankruptcy after a crash because they do not have the financial resources to make up for their lost income and costly medical treatments.
  • Some motorcyclists who need round-the-clock care may need to reside in long-term care facilities. However, if they do not have the proper coverage, they are at risk of being kicked out for lacking the financial means to fund their care.
  • Motorcyclists with PIP coverage who get into an accident caused by someone else can benefit from insurance coverage that kicks in immediately, protecting them from significant financial stress while they wait for their claim to process.

As a motorcyclist, PIP coverage is paramount. All Oregon PIP insurance policies must provide a minimum of $15,000 of coverage per person injured in an accident for medical expenses, lost income, funeral expenses, and other related costs. However, anyone who drives a motorcycle in Oregon should carry a policy that includes at least $50,000 in PIP coverage in order to be properly protected.

Consult an Oregon Attorney About Recovering Compensation for Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Suppose you or someone you care about was injured in a motorcycle crash that resulted from the negligence of another party. In that case, you could be entitled to compensation under Oregon state law. The Rizk Law personal injury team is committed to providing motorcycle accident victims and their families with the personalized yet assertive legal representation they need to recover a fair settlement for their losses.

For a free consultation with a Rizk Law motorcycle accident attorney, contact our office by calling (503) 245-5677 or completing our online contact form to request more information about how we can help. Rizk Law lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not owe us anything unless we recover compensation for you.

Disclaimer: Our law firm does not handle home insurance claims. We exclusively handle insurance claims related to auto injuries, trucking accidents, and dog bite cases. 

Author: Rizk Law

Were you injured in an accident that was not your fault? Are your bills piling up while your pain and suffering seem to never end? Is an insurance carrier standing in your way of the money you need to get your life back on track? Then you need a lawyer who knows how insurance carriers think — and can fight them for the maximum compensation you deserve. You need Rizk Law.