Teen drivers are statistically the most likely to get into an automobile accident. In Oregon, almost 20% of all injuring crashes involved a driver between the ages of 15-20. Getting into a car accident, even if it’s just a fender bender with no visible damage, can be scary and overwhelming. This is only amplified for teenagers who have just obtained their license a year or two prior. They may be feeling guilty or scared, and often don’t know how to react in the coming moments after the accident has occurred.

Many teens are likely to quickly drive away from the scene or make other cursory mistakes as a reaction to the fear or confusion. If you have been in a car accident and did not adhere to the typical procedures, a dedicated Portland personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the legal ins and outs.

3 Common Mistakes Oregon Teen Drives Make After a Car Accident

When it comes to getting into an accident, there are crucial steps you must take to ensure the at fault party is found at fault. You also need to tend to yourself and the other parties in the car, making sure everyone has received proper medical evaluations and attention. Teens between the ages of 15 and 20 are likely to feel confused or afraid if they have gotten into an accident. Three common mistakes that should be avoided but are commonly made by teen drivers, including the following:

You Don’t Exchange Information

If the car’s not damaged, you’re probably fine to leave without exchanging insurance and other information, right?

You should never leave the scene of an accident without getting a copy or photo of the other party’s driver’s license and insurance information. Even if there isn’t any visible damage, you may miss something in the frenzy. Something could also go wrong the second you try to start your car again. It’s vital to take a second and gather some quick information, not only for the sake of evidence, but also for your protection.

Not Calling the Police

After you are in an accident, it is vital you contact your local police department and obtain a written report of what happened and the damages sustained to both parties and their vehicles. Skipping this part because you do not have any visible damage to your vehicle can be detrimental to receiving compensation or proving liability in the future. Calling the police does not mean anyone is going to be arrested or that anyone is in trouble. Instead, it is an official way to gather accounts of what transpired.

Skipping a Trip to the Doctor’s Office

You may feel fine after the accident. You are able to walk outside, inspect the damage, and talk to other driver, and exchange insurance information. This may lead you to skip a quick medical examination, which is a mistake. Many injuries, especially those sustained during a car accident, can take days or even weeks to reveal themselves. The adrenaline and mental fog of the accident can cloud your mind and body.

Don’t let your injury linger, and visit a medical professional as soon as you can after your motor vehicle accident.

Hire Rizk Law for Your Car Accident Needs Today

The next most common mistake a teen driver can make after a car accident is not contacting a personal injury attorney. Getting into an accident can be scary or overwhelming, and a sympathetic car accident attorney from Rizk Law is here to help. Our dedicated team will work diligently to help gather evidence, establish liability, and file a claim while you focus on recovering.

We have years of experience in helping car accident victims in Oregon gain access to the compensation they deserve. For a free legal consultation, please give us a call at (503) 245-5677 or fill out our contact form today.

Author: Rizk Law

Were you injured in an accident that was not your fault? Are your bills piling up while your pain and suffering seem to never end? Is an insurance carrier standing in your way of the money you need to get your life back on track? Then you need a lawyer who knows how insurance carriers think — and can fight them for the maximum compensation you deserve. You need Rizk Law.