
Grant’s Pass: Hit Spin & Hit Again

FACTS: At-fault driver ran a red light in Grants’ Pass Oregon. T-bone caused our client’s car to turn 180, and then strike a second time.

INJURIES: Left wrist tear, scapholunate ligament tear, left wrist sprain, lumbar sprain, neck sprain.


T-Bone Crash Causes Disc Rupture

FACTS: Machinist client hurt when second car cuts in front of his at SE 32nd and Kelly in Portland, Oregon. Client car totaled. Pre-existing left side sciatica; new right sided sciatica w disc rupture at one level. Claim settled after demand letter.

INJURIES: Right sided sciatica with disc rupture; pre-existing left side sciatica.


Teacher Assaults Teenage Student

FACTS: Teacher dragged student upstairs then throws student against a wall with his hands around student’s throat, then locks student alone in a room.


Mouth Injury Yield $50K

FACTS: Client an I -84 motorist traveled about 50mph. A merging car forced client into semi-truck and then a cement guard rail. Modest treatment.

INJURIES: Lip laceration, right rib fracture, cracked tooth syndrome (cracked under the gum line).


Washington County: Unwitnessed Stairway Fall

FACTS: Dark apartment stairway, client fell, landing hard on heel of foot. Insurer disputed claim because no witnesses. Litigated case.

INJURIES: Displaced distal fibular fracture.


Beaverton Cyclist v. Car Collision

FACTS: Bicyclist hit by a vehicle. Bicyclist without insurance. Driver at fault with low policy limits.

INJURIES: Leg injury with leg pain, and lost tooth


Snowboarder v. Snowboarder

FACTS: Uphill minor snowboarder struck client, another snowboarder with checkered past.

INJURIES: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


Domestic Violence Claim v. Benton County Convict

FACTS: Male domestic partner beat female client in face. No witnesses. Facts disputed. Defendant without assets and incarcerated. Modest treatment.

INJURIES: Cuts, bruises and contusions to face, head, eyes, mouth and neck. Litigated case.